Australian and New Zealand
Optical Society    

The official news magazine of the Australian and New Zealand Optical Society

  • 05 Sep 2017 9:10 AM | Simon Fleming

    In the latest issue of AOS News read about the visit of Australian born Nobel Prize winner Aleksandr Prokhorov’s grandson, about the latest Science meets Parliament event and learn all about moiré patterns. All this and much more can be found in this edition of AOS News!

    AOS News Jul 2017.pdf

  • 11 Aug 2017 5:12 PM | Simon Fleming

    In the first issue of AOS News for 2017 we have a report on the 2016 AOS WH Beattie Steel Medal presentation to Tony Klein as well as news of a new initiative looking to increase female engagement in science. There is an item about imaging low earth-orbit satellites as well as a report on bioinspired photonic nanomaterials and the exciting possibilities these bring. Our ‘Optics in Everyday Life’ section looks at the history of ring lasers.

    AOS News Apr 2017.pdf

  • 11 Aug 2017 5:04 PM | Simon Fleming

    In the final issue of AOS News for 2016 read reports on some of the activities that took place as part of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Optical Society (OSA) and an article from one of the winners of the 2016 Warsash Science Communication Prize, Xiaorui Zheng. Katie Chong and Xiaorui both won the prize, but Katie already reported on her work in the last issue of AOS News. Other items in this issue include a report on the student-led IONS KOALA meeting that took place in Melbourne recently and an article on how optics is being used in cultural heritage. Our ‘Optics in Everyday Life’ section looks at the life and work of Augustin Fresnel.

    AOS News Dec 2016.pdf

  • 17 Nov 2016 7:46 AM | Anonymous

    In the latest issue of AOS News read reports on activities taking place during National Science Week to remember Aleksandr Prokhorov and from the Science Meets Parliament event in Canberra. There is also an item about a lecture series at QUT as part of the OSA centennial celebrations and an article from the winner of the AOS 2015 postgraduate student prize, Katie Chong, on shaping light with optics. Other items in this issue include an article on using diffractive imaging in stress analysis and our ‘Optics in Everyday Life’ section looking at colour vision deficiencies.

    AOS News Oct 2016.pdf
  • 16 Sep 2016 10:31 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to another issue of AOS News. We have a range of articles for this issue, with a report on some of the international outreach that took place last year as part of the Year of Light and an article from the winner of the 2015 Geoff Opat Early Career Award, Marcus Doherty, on quantum microscopes. Other items in this issue include a summary of the challenges involved in bringing new optical devices into surgery and an article on using optical fibres for medical sensing. Our ‘Optics in Everyday Life’ section looks at solar halos and how they are formed, and there is also an article describing the use of nanophotonics to colour surfaces. I hope you enjoy reading them all. As usual, please let me know if you have any suggestions for anything you would like to see in AOS News or have any articles or other items you would like to submit.

    AOS News Jul 2016.pdf

  • 16 Sep 2016 10:26 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to another issue of AOS News. We have a range of articles, with details of some of the International Year of Light events that took place last year and a report on the KOALA conference as well as articles on graphene oxide films and astrophotonics. Other items in this issue include an article about Australia’s involvement in the gravitational wave discovery and our Optics in Everyday Life’ section, which looks at periscopes. I hope you enjoy reading them all.

    AOS News Apr 2016.pdf

  • 16 Sep 2016 10:18 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to the final issue of AOS News for 2015. I’d like to thank everyone who contributed articles and news items throughout the year to AOS News. In particular I’d like to thank Tony Klein, who always manages to supply a fascinating item for the Optics in Everyday Life section, and Stephen Collins and Ann Roberts who have great suggestions for news items and for people to approach for articles. Baohua Jia has done an excellent job of dealing with the financial and membership side of things, after taking over from Simon Fleming as Honorary Treasurer, so thanks to her as well. As you will see in this issue, Shelley Martin has also been a great help on the financial side for many years, and has continued to assist this year whilst transferring over to Baohua, so thanks a lot to Shelley as well.

    AOS News Dec 2015.pdf

  • 16 Sep 2016 10:14 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to another issue of AOS News. We have a great range of articles, with details of some of the International Year of Light events that have taken place in the past few months as well as articles on subwavelength topological photonics, superchiral light and smartphone spectroscopy. Other items in this issue include an article about AOS Foundation Member and Past President, Parameswaran ‘Hari’ Harihahan, who passed away in late July and our ‘Optics in Everyday Life’ section, which looks at Australia’s participation in the development of optical fibres. I hope you enjoy reading them all. As usual, please let me know if you have any suggestions for anything you would like to see in AOS News or have any articles or other items you would like to submit.

    AOS News Oct 2015.pdf

  • 16 Sep 2016 10:00 PM | Anonymous

    Welcome to another issue of AOS News. This issue was initially quite light on article submissions, so I am very grateful to everyone who managed to send something in. We do have a range of articles, with details of the recent Science meets Parliament event in Canberra as well as a response on the issue of ‘The Dress’. There is a report from the recent APOS meeting in Korea and information about the upcoming conferences in Adelaide and Sydney at the end of the year as well as details of events that are running as part of the International Year of Light. Other items in this issue include an article from the winner of the 2013 AOS WH (Beattie) Steel Medal, John Harvey, on similaritons and our ‘Optics in Everyday Life’ section, which looks at the colour of electrons in this issue.

    AOS News June2015.pdf

  • 08 Mar 2015 11:55 AM | Anonymous

    In the first issue of the AOS News for 2015, read about the exciting launch of the International Year of Light illuminates Paris and Inspires Sydney! Learn about the excitement of the KOALA student conferences, the latest SPIE news and much much more!

    AOS News March2015-1.pdf

Archive of AOS News

In late 1985 and through 1986 the Australian optics community was provided with news by a paper Opto-electronics News, not published by the AOS.

The forerunner of AOS News was Australian Lasers & Optics published jointly with the Australian Laser Institute

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