Australian and New Zealand
Optical Society    

The ANZOS Mid-Career Prize has been created to promote the pursuit of excellence in optics and photonics in Australia and New Zealand, by acknowledging academic achievement, leadership and service in mid-career optical scientists and engineers. This is a new prize first offered in 2022. The awardee will receive a trophy and an invitation to present their work at the annual ANZOS conference. For the purposes of this award, “mid-career” is defined as applicants between 7 and 12 years from the award of their PhD.

The Prize is judged by a committee appointed by the ANZOS Council. ANZOS is strongly committed to equity and diversity in both applications for awards and outcomes. The Committee may choose to make additional awards where there is a tie between candidates of equal calibre. The award need not be made in a given year if the Prize Committee so chooses.

Applications from female candidates and members of other historically under-represented and disadvantaged groups in STEM are strongly encouraged.

Selection criteria

Applications will be assessed on achievement in the following three areas. Successful candidates will have demonstrated significant achievements in at least two areas:

  1. Research demonstrated originality, leadership, and impact in the field.
    Note that evidence of end-user impact is welcome but by no means essential. Applicants with strong end-user cases may wish to consider application for the John Love award.
  2. Education and/or outreach – original and impactful contributions to optics education and training (at tertiary and/or school levels) and/or promotion of optics to wider audiences.
  3. Citizenship – significant contribution to the Australian and/or New Zealand optics community through activities such as leadership, mentoring, and the advancement of inclusion and diversity.


    1. Applicants must be between 7 and 12 years from the award of their PhD (as defined by the conferral date) at 23 June in the year of application. 
    2. Applicants must be a current financial member of ANZOS of at least two years standing at the submission deadline.
    3. Applicants must either be a) a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand, and/or have conducted a considerable period of their career in either country. 
    4. Adjustment to the eligibility period of between 7-12 years for part-time employment and significant career interruptions (at least 2-3 months), such as parental/carer responsibilities or illness, are welcome and will be considered on the basis of a short statement from the candidate. Typically, part-time employment or interruption will be considered pro-rata while primary care of a dependant child including parental leave will give up to 2 years eligibility extension.
      To check your exemption eligibility, please email before preparing your application with a short statement outlining your case for exemption. The committee will respond promptly.

    Submission components

    Applicants should provide

    1. A 2-page narrative written by the applicant specifically addressing the three selection criteria in separate sections under the headings
      • Research
      • Education and/or outreach
      • Citizenship
    2. A CV/resume of at most 2 pages.
    3. A list of up to 5 favourite published works with a short paragraph (<50 words) for each work explaining its significance and the applicant’s personal contribution.  (A full publication list is not requested).
    4. Names and contact details of the two referees, at least one of whom works in a different country to the applicant.
      Applicants are responsible for 1) advising the referees of the selection criteria to be addressed, 2) ensuring that the referees supply the reference letters to the ANZOS secretary by the closing date.
    5. An optional statement outlining any substantial career interruptions and requesting an extension to the eligibility period of 7-12 years from the award of PhD.


    1. Applications must be submitted by the applicant themselves via email to the ANZOS email. You may address the application to the ANZOS Secretary.
    2. The two reference letters should be sent directly by the referees to the ANZOS Secretary. Applicants are responsible for ensuring the letters reach the Secretary by the closing date.
    3. For the 2025 award, all nomination materials must reach the ANZOS Secretary by the closing date of 23 June 2025.

    Previous winners of the prize are:

    • 2023: Dr. Chris Perrella, University of Adelaide
    • 2022: A/Prof. Irina Kabakova and A/Prof. Alexander Solntsev, University of Technology Sydney
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