Welcome to another issue of AOS News. We have a range of articles for this issue, with a report on some of the international outreach that took place last year as part of the Year of Light and an article from the winner of the 2015 Geoff Opat Early Career Award, Marcus Doherty, on quantum microscopes. Other items in this issue include a summary of the challenges involved in bringing new optical devices into surgery and an article on using optical fibres for medical sensing. Our ‘Optics in Everyday Life’ section looks at solar halos and how they are formed, and there is also an article describing the use of nanophotonics to colour surfaces. I hope you enjoy reading them all. As usual, please let me know if you have any suggestions for anything you would like to see in AOS News or have any articles or other items you would like to submit.
AOS News Jul 2016.pdf