The John Love Award recognises innovations and technical advances in the field of optics and photonics developed in Australia and/or New Zealand. The award is named for the late distinguished optical physicist Professor John Love, a life member of ANZOS and co-author of the landmark textbook Optical Waveguide Theory. The award seeks to recognise substantial achievement in the translation of optical research and/or innovation towards industrial applications and commercialisation by an individual or small team. The prize was known as the Technical Optics Award from 1995 to 2016. It was renamed the John Love Award in 2017. The winner will receive a prize consisting of a trophy, one year's free membership of ANZOS, and an invitation to attend the next ANZOS conference to discuss their work and provide an article for ANZOS News.
The Award is judged by a committee appointed by the ANZOS Council. The primary focus of the committee in assessing applications will be on the evidence of achievement other than traditional academic measures of papers and citations, though these may be included for background context. Examples of suitable evidence might include patents or technology licensing, technical reports, prototype development, novel commercial products, or innovative solutions to challenging technical problems in research translation or commercialisation. The latter might include refinement of a complex fabrication or laboratory analysis process. The work for which the award is made must have been carried out principally in Australia and/or New Zealand. The committee reserves the right to recommend no award where none of the applications presents sufficient evidence of this type.
Applications from non-academic technical staff and workers in optics and photonics outside universities are strongly encouraged. Applications are welcomed from individuals or teams of up to six people working on a common project.
Applications from female candidates and members of other historically under-represented groups in STEM are highly encouraged.
Demonstrated approach to applying the innovation to end-user problems outside academia or research settings
Applications that emphasise traditional academic goals and measures are unlikely to be successful.
Previous winners of the Prize: