Australian and New Zealand
Optical Society    

  • 04 Dec 2020 9:35 AM | Stephen Collins (Administrator)

    This Congress has been postponed to December 2022

  • 05 May 2020 2:56 PM | Stephen Collins (Administrator)

    The closing date for the awards of the Australian Optical Society is 31 May 2020, i.e.

    • AOS W.H. (Beattie) Steel Medal
    • Geoff Opat Early Career Researcher Prize
    • AOS Postgraduate Student Prize
    • AOS John Love Award
    • AOS Warsash Science Communication Prize
  • 05 May 2020 2:51 PM | Stephen Collins (Administrator)

    It has been announced that the next AIP Congress will now be held December 5-10, 2021 in Adelaide, ie. postponed for 12 months.

  • 03 May 2020 12:17 PM | Stephen Collins (Administrator)

    CLEO-PR 2020 will run as an online Conference on the original dates 3-5 August, 2020; please refer to the website for further information

    CLEO Pacific Rim 2020

  • 28 Jan 2020 12:33 PM | Yiqing Lu (Administrator)

    The latest Newsletter of International Commission for Optics is available here, including announcement of ICO prizes 2019 together with the last call for papers for the next ICO General Meeting that will take place in Dresden, Germany from 31st August till 4th September 2020, in coincidence with the meeting of the International Society for Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS-16).

  • 31 Oct 2019 2:13 PM | Stephen Collins (Administrator)

    The early bird registration deadline for ANZCOP 2019 is approaching soon, so please register soon to lock in the early bird discount. 

    You can register at the following link:

    AOS Members are entitled to a further discount - please use the discount code that you received via email

    We are very much looking forward to meeting with you in Melbourne at the AOS annual conference ANZCOP 2019 ! 

  • 10 May 2019 11:37 AM | Stephen Collins (Administrator)

    The Australian and New Zealand Conferences on Optics and Photonics - ANZCOP 2019 brings together four co-located conferences with a central theme of optics and photonics. 

    It will be held at RMIT Univ. Melbourne, Australia; 8 - 12 December 2019.

    Abstract Due Date 5 June 2019 

    It is our great pleasure to announce that the abstract submission deadline is extended to Wednesday 19th June

    Call for papers 


  • 16 Jan 2019 10:15 AM | Yiqing Lu (Administrator)

    AOS member, and 2011 Beattie Steel medalist, Professor Min Gu from RMIT University has been awarded the 2019 SPIE Dennis Gabor Award in recognition of his pioneering work in nanoscale information optics. Internationally renowned for his expertise in 3D optical imaging theory, his discoveries are helping drive the development of solutions to some of our biggest challenges in renewable energy, information technology and big data storage.Congratulations Min!

  • 19 Dec 2018 8:07 PM | Simon Fleming

    At the recent AIP Congress, OSA President Ian Walmsley and AOS President Simon Fleming  signed a renewed collaboration agreement. The two societies to agreed to work together to enhance relations and improve communication in the best interest of their membership and the optics and photonics community. Direct benefits to members include discounts for joint membership and discounts to attend each other's (non co-sponsored) meetings (AOS-OSA).

    Image courtesy of Chad Stark, OSA.

  • 09 Sep 2018 12:49 PM | Simon Fleming

    The AOS is pleased to announce that we have awarded the 2018 Geoff Opat Early Career Research Prize to Dr Mohsen Rahmani from the Australian National University.

    This prize usually presents a challenge to the judging committee because of the quality of the applicants, and this year was especially so. The committee were presented with an exceptional group of talented applicants, all of whom received glowing reports from the nominated referees.

    This is the second prize that Dr Rahmani has won in a little over a week, having been recently awarded a Eureka Prize.

    Congratulations Mohsen!

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