ANZCOP21 Online - Registration
Please note that both conference registration and submission of papers to the meeting are performed with this form.
ANZCOP21 Online is a special instance of the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics presented on behalf of ANZOS - the Australian and New Zealand Optical Society.
ANZCOP21 is running over the afternoon of Thursday 18 November and all day Friday 19 November 2021. The program features a full array of plenary and panel sessions, invited and contributed oral papers, online poster sessions, as well as social and networking programs conducted at a series of participating physical hubs. Currently we have confirmed hubs in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Auckland and Otago, and we keen to welcome Hub Champions from additional cities to expand ANZCOP21 further.
For full details about the scope of the conference, paper submission guidelines, program committee, and other details, please see the main conference web page.
Registration for ANZCOP21 is free but mandatory to participate. Registration is available until one week before the conference, which is 11 November 2021.
As detailed on the conference web page, paper submissions should be prepared on the standard .docx template. The call for submissions closes on 15 August 2021.
If you wish to subsequently submit a paper having already registered please forward your paper directly to
We look forward to seeing you online and at one of the in-person hubs in November.
ANZCOP21 Organising Committee