The 2018 AOS W. H. (Beattie) Steel Medal is awarded to Prof Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop for her contributions to diverse fields of optics, including laser physics, linear and nonlinear high-resolution spectroscopy, laser micromanipulation, atom cooling and trapping and nano-optics. She is one of the originators of laser-enhanced ionisation spectroscopy and is a pioneer of laser micromanipulation and transfer of angular momentum of light and all optical drive micromechanics. Halina initiated the experimental programs in laser micromanipulation and atom optics at the University of Queensland. She has served the Australian and New Zealand optical community as President of the Australian Optical Society and as a member of the Council for many years, as well as serving on many conference committees. She has been a mentor and role model for many, as the first woman Professor of Physics in Australia.