A panel discussion was held on the Tuesday night during ANZCOP/AIP at the Australian Academy of Sciences Shine Dome on the draft Australian ‘Science and Research priorities’. ANZOS Vice President Prof. David Lancaster (pictured on the left) was part of the discussion, that also included Prof. Nicole Bell (President of the AIP), and Professor Ian Chubb (former Australian Chief Scientist).
The panel discussion covered a number of apparent short-comings of the current Science and Research priorities policy document that included a focus on high-level aspirational priorities (eg. net zero future; healthy communities; productive and innovative economy; a strong/ resilient nation) without apparent support or acknowledgement of Australia’s history and strong track record in fundamental sciences which forms the deep foundation to Australia’s research capabilities. The panel also discussed the apparent lack of alignment with other government policies such as defence and sovereign manufacturing capability.
Providing feedback to the Australian Government in areas such as science policy development is an important function of ANZOS and allows members voices to be heard. We encourage members to assist us and get involved with ANZOS in these submissions.